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National Cancer Institute Plans To Offer EHR For Cancer Patients

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The National Cancer Institute (NIC) announced that it is planning to release a new electronic health record NIC(EHR) developed to manage specific data on the office visits of a cancer patient. Ken Buetow, associate director for bioinformatics and IT at the National Cancer Institute, mentioned that the new system has core EHR features for information exchange about patient diagnosis, treatment and outcomes.

The record is going to provide data on patient's disease and treatment results. It will be used by healthcare providers and consumers for exchanging data. Buetow said "Because we use standards, anybody can push it or receive it," he was speaking at a conference sponsored by the World Health Care Congress. He added that the software of the new system is now available on the NCI site but are still not consumer-friendly. Yet, Buetow mentioned that NCI is planning to make the system easily accessed by both providers and consumers within 60 days. He also added that NCI is cooperating with SAIC and Microsoft on the project. Buetow concluded "If someone wants their cancer encounter in electronic form, the physician can use the Web interface to push it to the individual's care record,"

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