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Patient Demographics Query (PDQ)

The Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) Integration Profile is part if the IHE IT Infrastructure technical framework.T

Patient Demographics Query HL7 v3 (PDQV3)

The Patient Demographics Query HL7 v3 (PDQV3) Integration Profile is part if the IHE IT Infrastructure technical framewo


Patient Health Information (PHI) is the HIPAA term for confidential patient information such as images, diagnostic repor

Access Control

Technical safeguards deal with the implementation of the security measures in the infrastructure, such as the network, t

Accession Number

DICOM Modality Worklist makes patient demographic information, order details and scheduling information from a RIS

Audit Trails

Audit trails allow a security officer in an institution to audit activities, to detect non-compliant behavior in the ent

BA agreements

BA (business associate) is the HIPAA term for organizations that  are not covered entities, but that do have a

Basic Use Profile

One should determine what DICOM functionality is needed based on workflow requirements and specify that to a PACS and Mo

CPIMS (Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems)

CPIMS (Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems) is a credentialing program for healthcar


JPEG is the acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group.  JPEG specifies the compression methods standardized by I

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