Health Imaging, IT & Radiology Wiki | Imaging Encyclopedia

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.  XML is tagged protocol used to exchange information. HL7 version 3 uses

Abstract Syntax

In DICOM, an Abstract Syntax is a set of rules that are negotiated for exchanging objects. The Abstract Syntax identifie

Access Control

Technical safeguards deal with the implementation of the security measures in the infrastructure, such as the network, t

Access to Radiology Information (ARI)

The Access to Radiology Information (ARI) integration profile is part of the IHE Radiology Technical Framework.This prof

Accession Number

DICOM Modality Worklist makes patient demographic information, order details and scheduling information from a RIS

Acquisition Modality

In the context of medical imaging, a modality is device or system that generates images of the internals of the human bo


The ACR (American College of Radiology) is the group that initiated DICOM standardization in the form of the ACR-NEMA st


In IHE, an actor is a system or subsystem that produces, manages, or acts on information used to perform a defined activ


Anonimization removes all information from a diagnostic report or image that could possibly trace it back to the pa


AP (anteroposterior) is a common imaging position where the back of the anatomy being imaged (usually the chest) is

These signals are relayed buying clomid online safe which then is by a number of such as medial preoptic and paraventricular nulcei.