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Radiology Process Flow Radiology Process Flow

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 64.95 kB
Downloads: 179
Most radiology departments follow approximately the same general workflow, especially when it concerns the use of any of their systems, such as RIS, PACS and diagnostic reporting. Described is a simple case scenario along with the most common alternate and exception cases. In addition, the functions that are typically provided by the RIS, PACS, and reporting applications are identified.

Relationship Between DICOM Transactions And Typical Scenario Relationship Between DICOM Transactions And Typical Scenario

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 129.68 kB
Downloads: 64
This scientific publication describes the DICOM levels, the relations hip between the DICOM transactions and a typical scenario, the DICOM parts of the standard and lists the various working groups that work on the different imaging domains.

Security Protocols Scar Security Protocols Scar

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 477.43 kB
Downloads: 33
This power point presentation shows the implementation in the DICOM standard for Security through proper Authentication, data integrity and Confidentiality using TLS as well as digital signatures.

Security Provisions in DICOM Extended Security Provisions in DICOM Extended

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 109.02 kB
Downloads: 49

This article shows the DICOM security implementations such as the use of TLS, Digital Signatures, and Attribute level confidentiality.

The impact of HIPAA on remote servicing The impact of HIPAA on remote servicing

Date added: 05/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 125.19 kB
Downloads: 55
Remote service which accesses patient information needs to make sure that the same patient privacy and security rules are obeyed as are applicable for those working directly with the equipment in an institution. This is possible by setting up routers and secure connections from the remote service centers to the equipment to be accessed as described by the NEMA Security and Privacy Committee.
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