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DICOM conformance for Ultrasound DICOM conformance for Ultrasound

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 148.01 kB
Downloads: 36

This 20 page detailed technical document consists of a detailed DICOM requirements specification to be used by anyone who is considering purchasing a fully DICOM compliant Ultrasound device.

DICOM Conformance Requirements DICOM Conformance Requirements

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 163.81 kB
Downloads: 43

DICOM Glossary DICOM Glossary

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 50.03 kB
Downloads: 106
This is a DICOM “cheat sheet” which contains the most common DICOM terms and can be used a reference guide by anyone using the DICOM standard.

DICOM guarantee to interoperability DICOM guarantee to interoperability

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 80.67 kB
Downloads: 44

This paper is the result of a Q & A session that addresses the most common issues with regard to DICOM interoperability, such as expanding a DICOM network configuration, checking of the DICOM conformance prior to purchasing, allowance of DICOM of non-identified images, the support of new and old SOP Class definitions, conformance statements, store and forward capability and DICOM archives.

DICOM Image display consistency test environment DICOM Image display consistency test environment

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 277.06 kB
Downloads: 38

This scientific paper  shows the implementation of the DICOM Softcopy Presentation State in a DICOM viewer, as well as the background of the calibration used to harmonize medical displays as well as printers.

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