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When will DICOM be replaced by HL7? When will DICOM be replaced by HL7?

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 103.47 kB
Downloads: 301

DICOM and HL7 have their own, specific application domains. DICOM is mainly for all imaging related applications while HL7 is more for administrative and management purposes. There are also key differences with regard to maturity, sophistication, reliability, and standards conformance.

Waveforms in DICOM Waveforms in DICOM

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 222.01 kB
Downloads: 91

DICOM does not only address imaging but also waveforms. This power point presentation shows how DICOM waveforms fit in the DICOM information model and its main object structure with the several modules such as defined for ECG’s.

Virus Checkers on PACS Workstations? Virus Checkers on PACS Workstations?

Date added: 05/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 74.98 kB
Downloads: 100
Virus protection on PACS workstations makes common sense and is a HIPAA requirement. Vendors should install them and users should maintain and support it regularly. There is a NEMA recommendation which lists responsibilities of both parties.

Using the Appropriate Resources for PACS and Imaging Professional Certifications Using the Appropriate Resources for PACS and Imaging Professional Certifications

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 97.14 kB
Downloads: 162
Professionals who want to get certified have several options to gain the required knowledge, ranging from face-to-face training, computer based training and other tools. This article provides an extensive list of these possibilities with their advantages and disadvantages.

Top Ten Recommendations for Implementing PACS Security Top Ten Recommendations for Implementing PACS Security

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 102.98 kB
Downloads: 142
This scientific publication lists the top ten recommendations for implementing security in health imaging systems based on a comprehensive survey performed by OTech Inc. together with the University of North Texas.
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