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PACS planning PACS planning

Date added: 05/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 80.02 kB
Downloads: 104
This article describes the proper planning steps to take into account prior to a PACS acquisition. These steps include spending time with all stakeholders to define the requirements, addressing the papers and documents who need to be converted to electronic means, implementation plan, transitioning from film to filmless, RIS and reporting integration, workflow assessment and disaster recovery.

PACS Administrator certification: CIIP vs PARCA PACS Administrator certification: CIIP vs PARCA

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 142.62 kB
Downloads: 103
This article describes both professional certifications for health imaging professionals, i.e. PARCA and CIIP with their differences and characteristics.

ONC Final Rule on the Temporary Certification Program ONC Final Rule on the Temporary Certification Program

Date added: 07/14/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 261.09 kB
Downloads: 15
This file includes the final rules that establish a temporary certification program for testing and certifying health information technology. The temporary certification program aims to authorize organizations to test and certify Complete Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and its modules, thus, making Certified EHR Technology available before the date on which healthcare providers looking to qualify for incentive payments available according to the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs for meaningful use of Certified EHR Technology.

ONC Final Rule on Certification Criteria, Standards, and Implementation Specifications ONC Final Rule on Certification Criteria, Standards, and Implementation Specifications

Date added: 07/14/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 669.96 kB
Downloads: 31
This file includes details released by The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) addressing this final rules required to finish the adoption of a primary set of standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria towards stage one of Medicare and Medicaid program for meaningful use of certified EHR technology.

Migrating your PACS archive: Where are my pre-nuptials! Migrating your PACS archive: Where are my pre-nuptials!

Date added: 04/27/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 66.78 kB
Downloads: 73
This article explains PACS migration components and why it is critical to negotiate upfront any future migration when purchasing a new PACS system.
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