You are in Press Releases Laurel Bridge Software Upgrades Navigator™ Enterprise Image Workflow Solution

Laurel Bridge Software Upgrades Navigator™ Enterprise Image Workflow Solution

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Laurel Bridge Software Upgrades Navigator Enterprise Image Workflow SolutionNewark, DE (May 13, 2014) – Laurel Bridge Software is pleased to announce upgrades to Navigator, its newest enterprise medical image workflow solution.
Navigator is a web-architected solution that can securely and reliably manage medical image fetching from multiple sources. Initiated by monitoring unlimited modality worklists or HL7 orders, it is capable of delivering ‘relevant’ images to any number of destinations.

Navigator includes the ability to:

• Monitor or manage image fetching workflow from any web-enabled computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.
• Configure sources and destinations for each defined workflow
• Define source- and destination-specific fetching, delivery, and sharing rules and workflows
• Prioritize source selection, in the event the same studies exist on multiple sources
• Configure study match and relevancy criteria based on patient and exam information
• Support customer-specific exam match requirements, such as ‘fuzzy’ matching and body part synonym matching
• Complex configurations are easily-defined and rapidly implemented using templated, plug-in scripts
• Monitor and display the status of the D.I.C.O.M devices on your network.
Over the last few months Laurel Bridge has successfully implemented Navigator priors fetching and workflow management at more than ten customer sites throughout the US.

About Laurel Bridge Software:
Laurel Bridge Software is an imaging workflow solutions company, providing solutions, tools, and services to automatically fetch, route, filter, migrate, and distribute medical image data securely and reliably.

Laurel Bridge offers a full range of integration, configuration, development, and support services for the medical imaging and healthcare industries.

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