Posted in Genitourinary on June 24, 2014 by m.khodeer
No history
- Inflammatory process of the bladder
- Can be caused by infection (most common), radiation, medications (such as Cyclophasphamide). Eosinophilic cystitis also possible.
- Radiographic features: Mucosal thickening, reduced bladder capacity, standing of perivesical fat
Bacterial Cystitis:
- Acute:
- Pathogens in Bacterial cystitis: E. Coli >Staphylococcus > Streptoccus > Pseudomonas
- Predisposing factors: Instrumentation, trauma, bladder outlet obstruction, neurogenic bladder, calculus, tumor
- Chronic Cystitis: results from repeated bacterial infections due to such causes as reflux, diverticulum, bladder outlet obstruction
- Emphysematous Cystitis: results from infection (most commonly E. coli.) that causes gas within the bladder and bladder wall
- Predisposing diseases: Diabetes mellitus, long-standing urinary obstructio
- Tuberculosis: chronic interstitial cystitis that usually ends in fibrosis. Typically coexists with renal TB
- Schistosomiasis:
- Caused by S. haematobium. Infected humans excrete eggs in urinary tract; eggs become trapped in mucosa causing severe granulomatous reaction
- Radiographic features: extensive calcifications in bladder wall and ureter (hallmark), inflammatory pseudopolyps, ureteral strictures, SCC
- Other types of Cystitis: Radiation cystitis, Eosinophilic cystitis, Interstitial cystitis
Another example (this form cyclophosphamide)
Another example (hemorrhagic cystitis)
Tags Cystitis